Clarifying your Purpose as a Holistic Life Coach
The Power of Your Presence
Effective Attending Skills
Reflective Listening
Validating Your Client
Reframe for Fresh Perspective
Setting Your Coaching Environment
Preparing Spiritually for Your Coaching Session
Opening Your Coaching Session
Client as Sage
Open-Ended Questions
Keep Your Client on Track

Using the Two Voices Technique
Overcoming Resistance
Coach as Bringer of Relief
Mastering the Role Play Technique
Empathy and Sympathy
Intellect and Feelings
Presenting Issues and Core Issues
Accessing Preference
Work with the Willing
Permission Slips
Client as Mirror
Unfreeze Your Clients
Soul Contracts

Setting Healthy Boundaries
Concluding Your Coaching Session
Mastering Money
Marketing and Building Your Coaching Business
Intuitional Coaching
How Long Coaching Takes
Ethics in Coaching
The Spirit Factor
Evolution in the Coaching Relationship
Ready to Fly

Certificate Requirements

If you wish to receive a signed Certificate of Completion for the Life Coach Training, you will be asked to do the following: